Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Went for update training today, suppose to meet fifi in the morning. as usual she was late so i went first.
It was a tedious day, but glad dat i really learnt lots of great tips. The upcoming collections and new products was really exciting, looking forward, hope they "fly" off the shelves! just to name a few. Feb- Fafi, Mar- Heatherette, April- Dress camp. Fafi is really one collection which i love. so colourful, fun, and sexy. She is a french artist. The collection is inspired by her graffiti work and street culture.


meet up the twins for dinner, pity keline missed our gossips and fun. They gave me a pair of black heels for my birthday and they promise me a pair of black boots after CNY. tnkz my dear girls! ;)

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