So hows everyone recovering from the fun of Easter holiday? I hope you guys spent it well with your love ones and had loads of fun. We spent ours at home since baby Kieran is only home whole day on weekend.
Early morning we received a goodie bag of LOVES from London!
my dearie kf bought couple tee for baby Kieran and mommy in her fav pink! and not forgetting meimei! Her first present and Jacket. Look how sweet it is! love those pretty flower prints. Cant wait to fit my baby into it!
During evening May dropped by to visit me and baby Kieran, she also stayed for dinner and play with him for awhile, we enjoyed her accompany that evening, and Kieran of course fun till he knock out feel all tired from those play and laughters.
Kinder Joy from godma May. He is so spoilt when comes to foodies..
My first time baking sweet potatos on a cold night. Daddy henry said sweet potato make people fart a
lot, he does.. but not for me. Do you think so? Or maybe it's just HIM?! haha.
My first attempt of Nutella marble cake. It may looks okay on pictures but trust me we don't like it! it is super flat, never raise at all. I don't know what went wrong!!!
Second batch of banana cakes, I prefer this batch. the fragrance of the bananas are stronger. I added more banananananas!
10 April 2012 Tuesday
Yet another tear-less day for Kieran, with the same little trick! (pass a packet of cookie to the teacher...) I wonder how long this trick can last! I don't know if it's a good thing, on one hand Kieran is easily tricked by using food/snacks. On the other it makes things easier for us.
Gotta watch out for him more. In case A kidnapper lure my boy away from me with candies and cookies.
dinner cooked by my dadddyyyy! both my parents can cook very well. (.hmm, what happened to me?)
I always ended up super full.
desserts after dinner. Durian puff one the right hand and marie bisuit on the left hand.
How he loves durian puffs just like we do!
tv and snacking.
those durian cream looks like he got "beard." HOHOHO. Santa early this year!
Time for Kieran to exercise after eating sooo much foods!
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