15 June 2012 Friday.
Kieran last day in Infant Care!
Suddenly I felt my boy grown so much overnight.
starting from July he has to carry his own bag, feed himself and wear/remove his shoes on his own when in school. Sometimes I feel/worried that it's too much for him!
From a sweet little baby to a toddler who run, babbles, scream and screech. I do know that kids grow up very fast, I'm sure many have heard "They grow up so fast"! probably a million or billion times.
He is now 2nd week in toddlar playgroup class. well, first three days was fine. Teachers commented that he did perfectly well, but don't know what went wrong or perhaps he still think he isn't ready. He started his crying and whining episode again just like when he was in Infant care the first 3 months and even refused to take his lunch.
Lately Kieran wasn't feeling very well too. Flu and coughed badly, Sigh. back to my floor-pacing nights! soothing my cranky, clingy and sick baby to sleep. Even mummy got your cough and flu bugging me now!
Thankfully dearie bought me western and chinese cough remedy to soothe my throat. Thanks dear, love you.
Suddenly I miss Kieran during babyhood days. This is Kieran in my tummy.
When he was just a newborn.
when he was a month old.
He started smiling more when he was 2 months old.
Smiling so happily! enjoying without his clothes on.
I think Kieran was chubbiest when he was 3 month old. Look at his fat thigh and fat cheeks! omg.
3 months old
Kieran at 4 months old. His first visit to the Barber! love his ultra cute expression.

5th month.
He started his solid food at 6 months old. Enjoying his baby biscuits.
7 months old. Kieran enjoy bath time so much!
Kieran at 8 months old. celebrating National day with my pals.
at 9 months old he loves to ransack drawers and stuffs.
Our 10 months old Kieran celebrating Daddy Henry birthday. He look super funny here!
11 months old.
1 year old! his birthday bash.
13 months old at our Genting trip.
he smiles to camera more!
14 months old on my birthday.
our first family studio shoot when he was 15 months
Baby International contest when he was 16 months old.
with my parents on Mother days dinner at Sakura when he was 17 months old.
Now my boy is 1.5 years old. no longer a baby anymore! With more personality and thinking of his own. He is one stubborn boy with very high dependency, still loves clingy to me as much as before. It's really amazing to see him grow in this short 1.5 years! love my boy to bits.