Thursday, December 23, 2010

"I am 21 days old!"

Just as I was complimenting and boasting about baby Kieran to my mom the other day that he was rather easy to take care I almost gone crazy for the past week. Perhaps as he is growing each day, he slowly learnt how to express his displeasure. His cries grew stronger and louder than the first week he was born. He cry when his diaper is dirty, When he is left alone in the room, when he realize mummy and daddy is not sleeping besides him, when he wants cuddle, when he is feeling all sweaty and sticky, so on and so fourth!
The most ridiculous and funniest is when he is woken up by his own sudden fart! We can't help laughing when this happens. Now I fully understand why some woman went thru postpartum depression. When babies cry at the slightest thing, sometimes unable to figure out where the problems lies, when we are feeling all exhausted due to insufficient rest, and topping it up with all the confinement woes. There u go! DEPRESSION!
Don't get me wrong peeps, I'm not complaining. Not at all. In fact I love every second spent with my baby, I can spent hours looking at him while his is asleep, watch him smiling as though dreaming of all sweets and treats. And then I will smile with him. (=

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