Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Week 39 (the final week!)

Before my updates of mei mei in my final week..

14 August 2012.
Its Daddy Henry off day! Went out for family bonding day before our sweet little angel is out. Brought Kieran to SingKids for the 3rd time! 
on our way to Vivocity.

Look how much he enjoyed himself!

tried to snap a picture of father and son.
Failed. Haha. How could Kieran possible stay still for even a single shot in the there?!
going down the slide without much effort.

coming up with all his might and little push from daddy!
a picture with mommy please!
forced to take picture with me. hmm. not too bad!
He look so tiny holding the BIG balloon.
Observing another kid running.
He went to "make friends" with that kid!
then they started to play together. runing around the area aimlessly. How cute!
 Wanted to go for a swim but due to time constraint we ended our night at Geylang for a sumptuous supper to fill our hungry stomach.
our FAVOURITE froggie legs porridge! with hor fun. Yummy~~

mother joined us for supper after her work

empty plates and bowls. Full to the max. Burp~!

some parents will bring "gift" for their newborn to the elder siblings during delivery day. This is to prevent feeling being left out and also that he he will love his baby sis instead of feeling jealous of her overwhelmed attentions from us. 
We took almost an hour in Toy R US to decide what to buy for Kieran, its ain't easy to buy toys for our 19month old boy. He simply "wow" at every toys! We ended up buying these two wheels, one is remote controlled with music and light and the other one is "kid tough" for him to "throw" all he wants. We hope he will like it! Oh, and hope one day he won't tell me after he saw this blog post, "mommy and daddy are cheaters, those wheels is not from sis!" 
I love tiny baby clothing especially when they are in shades of pink and red. So girlish!!! I haven't bought any clothes for mei mei yet.  Look at the stacks here. All blessed by my friend and colleague and family. A super big bulk comes from Genie passed down from her princess Jacynth. Some passed down from Kieran.  Now she got equally more clothes as her big brother!
Hasima or snow jelly double boiled by Mil to nourished me and mei mei. 
My final routine checked at Gynea Link by Dr Don.

baby size: 6.40lb estimated as of 15 Aug 2012. (2.904Kg)
Mommy wt gained: 14kg as of 15 Aug 2012
Countdown to baby arrival: 4 days OR LESS
Symptoms: Backache, fatigue, swollen feet hourly toilet breaks, and LOTS of baby movement!
% cooked: 98%
checklist: the house is ready for another round of chaos!
Now we are just patiently waiting for our sweet little one!

I'm filled with much excitement and anxiety after my check today, was told that I am 1cm dilated (only) and little angel head is v low so labour will take place within these few days!
amniotic fluid and heartbeat is good therefore no need for induced birth, she can stay inside till she is happy and willing to come out!
Stay tuned folks, I know you are eager to know what we name our sweet Angel!  XOXO


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