Upon knowing that i was pregnant again when Kieran was 13 months old and still breastfeeding, apart from all the excitements, a question that came to my mind was "will breastfeeding affect my unborn baby?" I was having doubts even though my gynea said it is fine to continue.
I was told by friends who was advised by their gyneas that is was not advisable to continue as it will interfere the growth of the unborn in some ways. At that point of time I decided to wean him off as each time I nurse him my doubtful feelings will hit me and at times feeling some what guilty, thinking what if what my friends said was true. But after learning more about breastfeeding through pregnancy, I am convinced that it is fine for my unborn baby.
At first my goal was to breastfeed him till 1 year old, but now looks like I have to let he wean off himself since I tried many methods but it was not successful. It as becomes a emotional need more than a nutritional need of nursing for him especially at bedtime he nurse for comfort feed, when he is feeling upset and when he is feeling unwell, it becomes something he need to have from me and knowing that I'm just beside him. Thus right now I am using the "don't offer don't reject" method.
Toward my 15 weeks. I experienced discomfort whenever i nurse him. At first I thought the pain was due to because he grew more teeth, but later I found out that it is not unusual for pregnant moms to experience this during this especially during first trimester. Some find it too painful to continue and ended up weaning their babies at this point, others choose to endure the nipple soreness. well, I'm one of them who choose to endure.
The pain was so intense that i feel like smacking him! and i even swore to myself not once but several times , "today will be the last day I'm gonna nurse him!" but I guess I'm just saying it without action.
OK, some of you may be thinking how unloving a mother I am, but don't judge me too early, you will understand what I meant when your day comes, but on the other hand i doubt many are able to breastfeed their babies as long as 1 years old or even 6 months! It is simply just too exhausting. So now what I am doing has
exceeded the limits of MANY. Imagining all the woes of pregnancy plus all the discomfort of nursing and my growing "watermelon tummy".. I may be a little thick skinned to say this but I still want to say. I am so Praiseworthy! *a pat on my shoulder*
My personal advice to those who pregnant and unable to decide whether to wean or to continue feeding, there's not definite answer to a right or wrong. I believe whatever decision being made is to the best interest to yourself, your baby and your newborn to be. Listen to your gut.
Right now I shall just listen to my heart, take each days as it comes and see where it leads me to.
May God bless my parenting journey and the many challenges that's coming our way.